MEB ID Alt Öğrenme / Konu / Alt Konu Kazanım Açıklama Etiketler
E2.1.L1. Words
Students will be able to identify words that are common to both Turkish and English.
E2.1.S1. Words
Students will be able to use the correct word to identify certain objects, people or animals.
E2.2.L1. Friends
Students will be able to understand simple expressions about greeting and meeting someone.
E2.2.L2. Friends
Students will be able to understand when someone introduces himself or herself.
E2.2.S1. Friends
Students will be able to use everyday expressions for greeting and meeting someone.
E2.2.S2. Friends
Students will be able to ask questions to learn someone's name.
E2.2.S3. Friends
Students will be able to ask questions to find out how they are doing.
E2.2.S4. Friends
Students will be able to introduce themselves in a simple way.
E2.3.L1. In the Classroom
Students will be able to understand instructions and follow short, simple directions.
E2.3.S1. In the Classroom
Students will be able to tell others how to do things in the classroom.
E2.3.S2. In the Classroom
Students will be able to ask for clarification by asking the speaker to repeat what has been said.
E2.3.S3. In the Classroom
Students will be able to express and respond to thanks.
E2.4.L1. Numbers
Students will be able to identify and understand the names of some classroom objects.
E2.4.L2. Numbers
Students will be able to recognize the numbers from 1 to 10.
E2.4.L3. Numbers
Students will be able identify quantities of things.
E2.4.S1. Numbers
Students will be able to express the correct names of the classroom objects.
E2.4.S2. Numbers
Students will be able to count numbers from 1 to 10.
E2.4.S3. Numbers
Students will be able express quantities of things.
E2.5.L1. Colors
Students will be able to identify colors of things.
E2.5.S1. Colors
Students will be able to name the colors of things.
E2.5.S2. Colors
Students will be able to talk about the colors they like.
E2.5.S3. Colors
Students will be able to express quantities of things.
E2.6.L1. At the Playground
Students will be able to understand short, simple suggestions.
E2.6.S1. At the Playground
Students will be able to make suggestions in a simple way.
E2.6.S2. At the Playground
Students will be able to ask and answer simple questions.
E2.7.L1. Body Parts
Students will be able to understand the names of their body parts.
E2.7.S1. Body Parts
Students will be able to tell the names of their body parts.
E2.7.S2. Body Parts
Students will be able to give short, simple and oral instructions.
E2.8.L1. Pets
Students will be able to identify certain pet animals.
E2.8.L2. Pets
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about the names and locations of pet animals.
E2.8.S1. Pets
Students will be able to say the names of certain pet animals.
E2.8.S2. Pets
Students will be able to say where the animals are by pointing out them.
E2.9.L1. Fruit
Students will be able to recognize the names of fruit.
E2.9.S1. Fruit
Students will be able to talk about the fruit they like.
E2.9.S2. Fruit
Students will be able to tell others to do things with fruit by pointing out them.
E2.10.L1. Animals
Students will be able to recognize the names of certain animals.
E2.10.L2. Animals
Students will be able to understand common expressions about abilities.
E2.10.S1. Animals
Students will be able to talk about the animals they like/dislike.
E2.10.S2. Animals
Students will be able to talk about abilities.
MEB ID Alt Öğrenme / Konu / Alt Konu Kazanım Açıklama Etiketler
E3.1.L1. Greeting
Students will be able to recognize the basic expressions of greeting and saluting.
E3.1.L2. Greeting
Students will be able to recognize the alphabet.
E3.1.L3. Greeting
Students will be able to recognize the numbers from 1 to 20.
E3.1.S1. Greeting
Students will be able to greet each other in a simple way.
E3.1.S2. Greeting
Students will be able to introduce themselves in a simple way.
E3.1.S3. Greeting
Students will be able to spell their names.
E3.1.S4. Greeting
Students will be able to say the numbers from 1 to 20.
E3.2.L1. My Family
Students will be able to recognize kinship terms (names for family members).
E3.2.L2. My Family
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions.
E3.2.S1. My Family
Students will be able to ask about and state the relationships of their family members.
E3.2.S2. My Family
Students will be able to introduce their family members in a simple way.
E3.3.L1. People I Love
Students will be able to recognize the physical qualities of individuals.
E3.3.L2. People I Love
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions.
E3.3.S1. People I Love
Students will be able to talk about physical qualities of individuals.
E3.3.S2. People I Love
Students will be able to talk about abilities.
E3.4.L1. Feelings
Students will be able to recognize the names of emotions/feelings.
E3.4.L2. Feelings
Students will be able to recognize simple suggestions.
E3.4.S1. Feelings
Students will be able to talk about personal emotions/feelings.
E3.4.S2. Feelings
Students will be able to make simple suggestions.
E3.5.L1. Toys and Games
Students will be able to recognize the names of toys.
E3.5.L2. Toys and Games
Students will be able to follow short and simple dialogues about possessions.
E3.5.S1. Toys and Games
Students will be able to talk about the quantity of things.
E3.5.S2. Toys and Games
Students will be able to tell the colors and quantity of the toys they have.
E3.6.L1. My House
Students will be able to recognize the characteristics of shapes.
E3.6.L2. My House
Students will be able to recognize the names of the parts of a house.
E3.6.L3. My House
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about size and shapes.
E3.6.S1. My House
Students will be able to talk about the shapes of things.
E3.6.S2. My House
Students will be able to ask about and say the parts of a house.
E3.6.S3. My House
Students will be able to ask about and tell the location of things in a house.
E3.6.S4. My House
Students will be able to talk about possessions.
E3.7.L1. In My City
Students will be able to recognize the types of buildings and parts of a city.
E3.7.L2. In My City
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about the types of buildings and parts of a city.
E3.7.S1. In My City
Students will be able to talk about where buildings and other places are on a city map.
E3.7.S2. In My City
Students will be able to talk about where people are.
E3.7.S3. In My City
Students will be able to express apologies.
E3.8.L1. Transportation
Students will be able to recognize the types of vehicles.
E3.8.L2. Transportation
Students will be able to understand simple and short oral texts about transportation.
E3.8.L3. Transportation
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about transportation.
E3.8.S1. Transportation
Students will be able to talk about where vehicles are.
E3.8.S2. Transportation
Students will be able to talk about the using of transportation vehicles.
E3.9.L1. Weather
Students will be able to identify various weather conditions.
E3.9.S1. Weather
Students will be able to talk about the weather conditions.
E3.10.L1. Nature
Students will be able to recognize nature and the names of animals.
E3.10.L2. Nature
Students will be able to follow short and simple oral instructions about nature and animals.
E3.10.S1. Nature
Students will be able to talk about nature and animals.
E3.10.S2. Nature
Students will be able to talk about the animals they like or dislike and the nature.
MEB ID Alt Öğrenme / Konu / Alt Konu Kazanım Açıklama Etiketler
E4.1.L1. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to understand short and clear utterances about requests.
E4.1.L2. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to understand short and clear utterances about permission.
E4.1.L3. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to recognize simple classroom instructions.
E4.1.L4. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to recognize numbers from one to fifty.
E4.1.S1. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to interact with their classmates through asking for and giving permission in short utterances.
E4.1.S2. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to make requests by using simple utterances.
E4.1.S3. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to give and respond to simple instructions verbally.
E4.1.S4. Classroom Rules
Students will be able to count up to fifty.
E4.2.L1. Nationality
Students will be able to recognize information about other people.
E4.2.L2. Nationality
Students will be able to identify different people's nationalities.
E4.2.S1. Nationality
Students will be able to talk about nations and nationalities.
E4.2.S2. Nationality
Students will be able to talk about locations of cities.
E4.3.L1. Cartoon Characters
Students will be able to get the main idea of a simple oral text about the abilities of the self and others.
E4.3.L2. Cartoon Characters
Students will be able to recognize possessions of others in a clear, short and slow oral text.
E4.3.S1. Cartoon Characters
Students will be able to talk about their own and others' possessions.
E4.3.S2. Cartoon Characters
Students will be able to deliver a simple, brief speech about abilities with an initial preparation.
E4.4.L1. Free Time
Students will be able to understand the general information in an oral text about likes and dislikes.
E4.4.S1. Free Time
Students will be able to talk about their likes and dislikes.
E4.4.S2. Free Time
Students will be able to engage in simple conversations about likes and dislikes.
E4.4.S3. Free Time
Students will be able to ask for clarification in conversations.
E4.5.L1. My Day
Students will be able to understand the general and specific information in a short, oral text about daily routines.
E4.5.L2. My Day
Students will be able to recognize the time in a short oral text.
E4.5.S1. My Day
Students will be able to talk about their daily routines.
E4.5.S2. My Day
Students will be able to talk about the time.
E4.6.L1. Fun with Science
Students will be able to understand and follow simple instructions.
E4.6.L2. Fun with Science
Students will be able to recognize phrases/descriptions about locations.
E4.6.S1. Fun with Science
Students will be able to give short and basic instructions.
E4.6.S2. Fun with Science
Students will be able to talk about locations of objects.
E4.6.S3. Fun with Science
Students will be able to ask and answer simple clarification questions.
E4.7.L1. Jobs
Students will be able to identify other people's jobs and likes in a short, simple oral text.
E4.7.S1. Jobs
Students will be able to talk about other people's jobs and likes in simple conversations.
E4.8.L1. My Clothes
Students will be able to understand short oral texts about weather conditions and clothing.
E4.8.L2. My Clothes
Students will be able to recognize the names of the seasons and clothes in short oral texts.
E4.8.S1. My Clothes
Students will be able to describe the weather conditions.
E4.8.S2. My Clothes
Students will be able to name the seasons.
E4.8.S3. My Clothes
Students will be able to ask and answer simple questions about weather conditions and clothing items in simple conversations.
E4.8.S4. My Clothes
Students will be able to make simple request about borrowing.
E4.9.L1. My Friends
Students will be able to understand the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements (e.g., describing people and their features).
E4.9.L2. My Friends
Students will be able to understand short, oral texts about possessions.
E4.9.S1. My Friends
Students will be able to describe their friends and other people (family members, teachers, etc.).
E4.9.S2. My Friends
Students will be able to ask and answer questions about other people's physical characteristics.
E4.9.S3. My Friends
Students will be able to talk about possessions.
E4.10.L1. Food and Drinks
Students will be able to recognize simple words and phrases about food and drinks.
E4.10.L2. Food and Drinks
Students will be able to understand the offers about their basic needs.
E4.10.L3. Food and Drinks
Students will be able to identify others' needs and feelings in simple oral texts.
E4.10.S1. Food and Drinks
Students will be able to talk about their basic needs and feelings.
E4.10.S2. Food and Drinks
Students will be able to express others' feelings and their needs.
MEB ID Alt Öğrenme / Konu / Alt Konu Kazanım Açıklama Etiketler
E5.1.L1. Hello!
Students will be able to understand simple personal information.
E5.1.S1. Hello!
Students will be able to introduce themselves and meet other people.
E5.1.S2. Hello!
Students will be able to exchange simple personal information.
E5.1.R1. Hello!
Students will be able to read and understand picture stories, conversations and cartoons about personal information.
E5.1.R2. Hello!
Students will be able to read and understand timetable for their lessons.
E5.2.L1. My town
Students will be able to understand simple directions to get from one place to another.
E5.2.L2. My town
Students will be able to recognize the use of rising intonation to ask for clarification.
E5.2.S1. My town
Students will be able to talk about the locations of things and people in simple conversations.
E5.2.S2. My town
Students will be able to give directions in a simple way.
E5.2.R1. My town
Students will be able to understand information about important places.
E5.3.L1. Games and Hobbies
Students will be able to understand simple, oral texts about hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities.
E5.3.S1. Games and Hobbies
Students will be able to talk about hobbies, likes/dislikes and abilities in a simple way.
E5.3.S2. Games and Hobbies
Students will be able to give information about likes/dislikes, abilities and hobbies of others in a simple way.
E5.3.R1. Games and Hobbies
Students will be able to follow a simple story with visual aids.
E5.4.L1. My Daily Routine
Students will be able to understand specific information in short, oral texts about daily routines.
E5.4.L2. My Daily Routine
Students will be able to understand the time.
E5.4.S1. My Daily Routine
Students will be able to talk about daily routines.
E5.4.S2. My Daily Routine
Students will be able to use simple utterances to talk about daily routines of friends and family members.
E5.4.S3. My Daily Routine
Students will be able to tell the time and numbers from 1 to 100.
E5.4.R1. My Daily Routine
Students will be able to understand short and simple written texts about daily routines.
E5.5.L1. Health
Students will be able to identify common illnesses and understand some of the suggestions made.
E5.5.L2. Health
Students will be able to understand simple suggestions concerning illnesses.
E5.5.S1. Health
Students will be able to name the common illnesses in a simple way.
E5.5.S2. Health
Students will be able to express basic needs and feelings about illnesses.
E5.5.R1. Health
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about illnesses, needs and feelings.
E5.6.L1. Movies
Students will be able to follow slow and carefully articulated speech describing movie characters and movie types.
E5.6.S1. Movies
Students will be able to talk about people’s likes and dislikes concerning movies and movie characters.
E5.6.S2. Movies
Students will be able to use simple utterances to state personal opinions about movies and movie characters.
E5.6.S3. Movies
Students will be able to state the time of an event.
E5.6.R1. Movies
Students will be able to understand phrases and simple sentences on posters and advertisements about movies and movie characters.
E5.7.L1. Party Time
Students will be able to understand simple requests for permission and their responses.
E5.7.S1. Party Time
Students will be able to ask for permission and give response in a simple way.
E5.7.S2. Party Time
Students will be able to use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions.
E5.7.S3. Party Time
Students will be able to use utterances to express obligation.
E5.7.S4. Party Time
Students will be able to state the date of an event.
E5.7.S5. Party Time
Students will be able to express and respond to thanks.
E5.7.R1. Party Time
Students will be able to understand short texts with visual aids, such as cartoons, posters and birthday cards.
E5.8.L1. Fitness
Students will be able to understand simple oral texts about sports activities.
E5.8.L2. Fitness
Students will be able to understand suggestions made for a limited number of activities.
E5.8.S1. Fitness
Students will be able to make suggestions for a limited number of activities.
E5.8.S2. Fitness
Students will be able to accept or refuse suggestions in a simple way.
E5.8.S3. Fitness
Students will be able to give simple personal information.
E5.8.S4. Fitness
Students will be able to ask for clarification by asking the speaker to repeat what has been said.
E5.8.R1. Fitness
Students will be able to understand simple texts about sports activities.
E5.9.L1. The Animal Shelter
Students will be able to understand descriptions of what people/animals are doing at the moment.
E5.9.S1. The Animal Shelter
Students will be able to talk about what people/animals are doing at the moment.
E5.9.S2. The Animal Shelter
Students will be able to ask for permission.
E5.9.S3. The Animal Shelter
Students will be able to use simple utterances to describe what other people are doing at the moment.
E5.9.R1. The Animal Shelter
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about what people/animals are doing at the moment.
E5.10.L1. Festivals
Students will be able to understand simple texts about festivals around the world.
E5.10.L2. Festivals
Students will be able to identify numbers from 100 to 1000.
E5.10.S1. Festivals
Students will be able to describe the events in a festival in a simple way.
E5.10.S2. Festivals
Students will be able to tell numbers from 100 to 1000.
E5.10.R1. Festivals
Students will be able to understand visually supported short texts about festivals around the world.
MEB ID Alt Öğrenme / Konu / Alt Konu Kazanım Açıklama Etiketler
E6.1.L1. Life
Students will be able to recognize phrases, words, and expressions related to repeated actions.
E6.1.SI1. Life
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about repeated actions.
E6.1.SP1. Life
Spoken Production
Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their repeated actions.
E6.1.SP2. Life
Spoken Production
Students will be able to tell the time and dates.
E6.1.R1. Life
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts, such as personal narratives about repeated actions.
E6.2.L1. Yummy Breakfast
Students will be able to identify the names of different food in an oral text.
E6.2.SI1. Yummy Breakfast
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask people about their food preferences.
E6.2.SP1. Yummy Breakfast
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express their opinions about the food they like and don't like.
E6.2.R1. Yummy Breakfast
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about food and preferences.
E6.2.R2. Yummy Breakfast
Students will be able to understand the label of food products.
E6.3.L1. Downtown
Students will be able to identify expressions and phrases related to present events.
E6.3.L2. Downtown
Students will be able to pick up the expressions in a dialogue comparing things.
E6.3.SI1. Downtown
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask people questions about what they are doing at the moment.
E6.3.SI2. Downtown
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask people to compare things.
E6.3.SP1. Downtown
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe people doing different actions.
E6.3.SP2. Downtown
Spoken Production
Students will be able to make comparisons between two things.
E6.3.R1. Downtown
Students will be able to understand visually supported, short and simple texts.
E6.4.L1. Weather and Emotions
Students will be able to pick up specific information from short oral texts about weather conditions and emotions.
E6.4.SI1. Weather and Emotions
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask people about the weather.
E6.4.SP1. Weather and Emotions
Spoken Production
Students will be able to talk about the weather and their emotions in a simple way.
E6.4.R1. Weather and Emotions
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about the weather, weather conditions and emotios.
E6.5.L1. At the Fair
Students will be able to recognize the words related to the expression of emotions.
E6.5.SI1. At the Fair
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about and express the feelings and personal opinions about places and things.
E6.5.SP1. At the Fair
Spoken Production
Students will be able to use various simple expressions to state the feelings and personal opinions about places and things.
E6.5.R1. At the Fair
Students will be able to understand general meaning in simple texts related to the feelings and personal opinions about places and things.
E6.5.R2. At the Fair
Students will be able to read specific information on a poster about a certain place.
E6.6.L1. Occupations
Students will be able to understand familiar words and simple phrases concerning people's occupations in clear oral texts.
E6.6.L2. Occupations
Students will be able to understand the time, days and dates.
E6.6.SI1. Occupations
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about occupations.
E6.6.SP1. Occupations
Spoken Production
Students will be able to ask personal questions.
E6.6.SP2. Occupations
Spoken Production
Students will be able to state the dates.
E6.6.R1. Occupations
Students will be able to understand familiar words and simple sentences about occupations and the dates.
E6.6.W1. Occupations
Students will be able to produce a piece of writing about occupations and the dates.
E6.7.L1. Holidays
Students will be able to spot the activities about holidays in oral texts.
E6.7.SI1. Holidays
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about their holidays.
E6.7.SP1. Holidays
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe past activities and personal experiences.
E6.7.R1. Holidays
Students will be able to understand short, simple sentences and expressions related to past activities.
E6.7.W1. Holidays
Students will be able to write short and simple pieces in various forms about holidays.
E6.8.L1. Bookworms
Students will be able to listen to the instructions and locate things.
E6.8.L2. Bookworms
Students will be able to understand past events in oral texts.
E6.8.SI1. Bookworms
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about the locations of people and things.
E6.8.SI2. Bookworms
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about past events with definite time.
E6.8.SP1. Bookworms
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe the locations of people and things.
E6.8.SP2. Bookworms
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe past events with definite time.
E6.8.R1. Bookworms
Students will be able to understand short, simple sentences and expressions about past events with definite time.
E6.8.W1. Bookworms
Students will be able to write about past events with definite time.
E6.8.W2. Bookworms
Students will be able to write about the locations of people and things.
E6.9.L1. Saving the Planet
Students will be able to recognize appropriate attitudes to save energy and to protect the environment.
E6.9.L2. Saving the Planet
Students will be able to understand suggestions related to the protection of the environment in simple oral texts.
E6.9.SI1. Saving the Planet
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to give each other suggestions about the protection of the environment.
E6.9.SP1. Saving the Planet
Spoken Production
Students will be able to talk to people about the protection of the environment.
E6.9.R1. Saving the Planet
Students will be able to understand the texts about the protection of the environment.
E6.9.R2. Saving the Planet
Students will be able to follow short, simple written instructions.
E6.9.W1. Saving the Planet
Students will be able to write simple pieces about the protection of the environment.
E6.10.L1. Democracy
Students will be able to recognize some key features related to the concept of democracy.
E6.10.SI1. Democracy
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about the stages of classroom president polls.
E6.10.SP1. Democracy
Spoken Production
Students will be able to give short descriptions of past and present events.
E6.10.SP2. Democracy
Spoken Production
Students will be able to talk about the concept of democracy.
E6.10.R1. Democracy
Students will be able to recognize familiar words and simple phrases related to the concept of democracy.
E6.10.W1. Democracy
Students will be able to write simple pieces about concepts related to democracy.
MEB ID Alt Öğrenme / Konu / Alt Konu Kazanım Açıklama Etiketler
E7.1.L1. Appearance And Personality
Students will be able to understand clear, standard speech on appearances and personalities.
E7.1.SI1. Appearance And Personality
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about other people's appearances and personalities.
E7.1.SP1. Appearance And Personality
Spoken Production
Students will be able to report on apperances and personalities of other people.
E7.1.R1. Appearance And Personality
Students will be able to understand a simple text about appearances, personalities, and comparisons including explanations and reasons.
E7.1.W1. Appearance And Personality
Students will be able to write simple pieces to compare people.
E7.2.L1. Sports
Students will be able to recognize frequency adverbs in simple oral texts.
E7.2.SI1. Sports
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask questions related to the frequency of events.
E7.2.SP1. Sports
Spoken Production
Students will be able to talk about routines/daily activities by using frequency adverbs and giving explanations and reasons.
E7.2.R1. Sports
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts on sports.
E7.2.W1. Sports
Students will be able to write pieces about routines/daily activities by using frequency adverbs.
E7.3.L1. Biographies
Students will be able to recognize specific information in oral texts dealing with past events and dates.
E7.3.SI1. Biographies
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about past events with definite time.
E7.3.SP1. Biographies
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe past events and experiences.
E7.3.R1. Biographies
Students will be able to spot specific information about names and dates in past events in written texts.
E7.3.W1. Biographies
Students will be able to write a short and simple report about past events.
E7.4.L1. Wild Animals
Students will be able to understand past and present events in oral texts.
E7.4.L2. Wild Animals
Students will be able to identify the names of wild animals in simple oral texts.
E7.4.SI1. Wild Animals
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask people questions about characteristics of wild animals.
E7.4.SP1. Wild Animals
Spoken Production
Students will be able to make simple suggestions.
E7.4.SP2. Wild Animals
Spoken Production
Students will be able to report on past and present events.
E7.4.R1. Wild Animals
Students will be able to understand past and present events in simple texts including explanations and reasons.
E7.4.R2. Wild Animals
Students will be able to spot the names of wild animals in simple texts.
E7.4.W1. Wild Animals
Students will be able to write pieces describing wildlife.
E7.5.L1. Television
Students will be able to understand simple oral texts about daily routines and preferences.
E7.5.SI1. Television
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask questions about preferences of other people.
E7.5.SI2. Television
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about past events and personal experiences.
E7.5.SP1. Television
Spoken Production
Students will be able to state their preferences.
E7.5.SP2. Television
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe past events in a simple way.
E7.5.R1. Television
Students will be able to understand simple texts about daily routines and preferences.
E7.5.R2. Television
Students will be able to understand simple texts about past events.
E7.5.W1. Television
Students will be able to write pieces about daily routines and preferences.
E7.6.L1. Celebrations
Students will be able to recognize utterances related to suggestions, needs and quantity of things.
E7.6.SI1. Celebrations
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about arrangements and sequences of actions.
E7.6.SP1. Celebrations
Spoken Production
Students will be able to make suggestions.
E7.6.SP2. Celebrations
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express needs and quantity.
E7.6.R1. Celebrations
Students will be able to understand texts about celebrations.
E7.6.W1. Celebrations
Students will be able to write invitation cards.
E7.7.L1. Dreams
Students will be able to understand utterances about predictions and future events in simple oral texts.
E7.7.SI1. Dreams
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about simple predictions.
E7.7.SP1. Dreams
Spoken Production
Students will be able to report on simple predictions.
E7.7.R1. Dreams
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about predictions.
E7.7.W1. Dreams
Students will be able to write pieces about predictions and future events.
E7.8.L1. Public Buildings
Students will be able to recognize the names of the public buildings.
E7.8.L2. Public Buildings
Students will be able to understand explanations with reasons.
E7.8.SI1. Public Buildings
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to give explanations with reasons.
E7.8.SP1. Public Buildings
Spoken Production
Students will be able to report on explanations with reasons.
E7.8.R1. Public Buildings
Students will be able to understand simple expressions and recognize familiar words about explanations with reasons.
E7.8.W1. Public Buildings
Students will be able to write pieces about explanations with reasons.
E7.9.L1. Environment
Students will be able to understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary about environment.
E7.9.L2. Environment
Students will be able to follow how a simple process is described in clear oral texts.
E7.9.SI1. Environment
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about obligations.
E7.9.SI2. Environment
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to give simple instructions for a specific process.
E7.9.SP1. Environment
Spoken Production
Students will be able to give a simple description or presentation of a process.
E7.9.R1. Environment
Students will be able to identify specific information in various texts about environment.
E7.9.W1. Environment
Students will be able to write short, simple messages about environment.
E7.9.W2. Environment
Students will be able to write short description of a process.
E7.10.L1. Planets
Students will be able to identify the discussion topic about popular science in simple oral texts.
E7.10.SI1. Planets
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to make simple comparisons.
E7.10.SI1. Planets
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about past events.
E7.10.SP1. Planets
Spoken Production
Students will be able to report on general truths in various ways.
E7.10.R1. Planets
Students will be able to identify specific information in various texts about facts and general truths.
E7.10.R2. Planets
Students will be able to identify specific information about past events.
E7.10.W1. Planets
Students will be able to write short and basic descriptions of facts and general truths.
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E8.1.L1. Friendship
Students will be able to understand the specific information in short conversations on everyday topics, such as accepting and refusing an offer/invitation, apologizing and making simple inquiries.
E8.1.SI1. Friendship
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations involving accepting and refusing an offer/invitation, apologizing and making simple inquiries.
E8.1.SP1. Friendship
Spoken Production
Students will be able to structure a talk to make simple inquiries, give explanations and reasons.
E8.1.R1. Friendship
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about friendship.
E8.1.R2. Friendship
Students will be able to understand short and simple invitation letters, cards and e-mails.
E8.1.W1. Friendship
Students will be able to write a short and simple letter apologizing and giving reasons for not attending a party in response to an invitation.
E8.2.L1. Teen Life
Students will be able to understand phrases and expressions about regular activities of teenagers.
E8.2.SI1. Teen Life
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about regular activities of teenagers.
E8.2.SP1. Teen Life
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express what they prefer, like and dislike.
E8.2.SP2. Teen Life
Spoken Production
Students will be able to give a simple description of daily activities in a simple way.
E8.2.R1. Teen Life
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about regular activities of teenagers.
E8.2.W1. Teen Life
Students will be able to write a short and simple paragraph about regular activities of teenagers.
E8.3.L1. In The Kitchen
Students will be able to get the gist of short, clear, simple descriptions of a process.
E8.3.SI1. In The Kitchen
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on a topic related to how something is processed.
E8.3.SP1. In The Kitchen
Spoken Production
Students will be able to give a simple description about a process.
E8.3.R1. In The Kitchen
Students will be able to understand the overall meaning of short texts about a process.
E8.3.R2. In The Kitchen
Students will be able to guess the meaning of unknown words from the text.
E8.3.W1. In The Kitchen
Students will be able to write a series of simple phrases and sentences by using linkers to describe a process.
E8.4.L1. On The Phone
Students will be able to understand phrases and related vocabulary items.
E8.4.L2. On The Phone
Students will be able to follow a phone conversation.
E8.4.SI1. On The Phone
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to make a simple phone call asking and responding to questions.
E8.4.SP1. On The Phone
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express their decisions taken at the moment of conversation.
E8.4.R1. On The Phone
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts with related vocabulary.
E8.4.W1. On The Phone
Students will be able to write short and simple conversations.
E8.5.L1. The Internet
Students will be able to understand the gist of oral texts.
E8.5.L2. The Internet
Students will be able to comprehend phrases and related vocabulary items.
E8.5.SI1. The Internet
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about their Internet habits.
E8.5.SI2. The Internet
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to exchange information about the Internet.
E8.5.SP1. The Internet
Spoken Production
Students will be able to make excuses, and to accept and refuse offers by using a series of phrases and simple sentences.
E8.5.R1. The Internet
Students will be able to identify main ideas in short and simple texts about internet habits.
E8.5.R2. The Internet
Students will be able to find specific information about the Internet in various texts.
E8.5.W1. The Internet
Students will be able to write a basic paragraph to describe their internet habits.
E8.6.L1. Adventures
Students will be able to follow a discussion on adventures.
E8.6.L2. Adventures
Students will be able to understand the main points of simple messages.
E8.6.SI1. Adventures
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to interact with reasonable ease in short conversations.
E8.6.SI2. Adventures
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about comparisons, preferences and their reasons.
E8.6.SP1. Adventures
Spoken Production
Students will be able to make comparisons about sports and games by using simple descriptive language.
E8.6.R1. Adventures
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts to find the main points about adventures.
E8.6.W1. Adventures
Students will be able to write a short and simple paragraph comparing two objects.
E8.7.L1. Tourism
Students will be able to understand and extract the specific information from short and simple oral texts.
E8.7.SI1. Tourism
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to exchange information about tourism.
E8.7.SI2. Tourism
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about their favorite tourist attractions by giving details.
E8.7.SP1. Tourism
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express their preferences for particular tourist attractions and give reasons.
E8.7.SP2. Tourism
Spoken Production
Students will be able to make simple comparisons between different tourist attractions.
E8.7.SP3. Tourism
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express their experiences about places.
E8.7.R1. Tourism
Students will be able to find specific information from various texts about tourism.
E8.7.W1. Tourism
Students will be able to design a brochure, advertisement or a postcard about their favorite tourist attraction(s).
E8.8.L1. Chores
Students will be able to identify the main points of a short talk describing the responsibilities of people.
E8.8.L2. Chores
Students will be able to understand obligations, likes and dislikes in various oral texts.
E8.8.L3. Chores
Students will be able to follow topic change during factual, short talks.
E8.8.SI1. Chores
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to interact during simple, routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information.
E8.8.SI2. Chores
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about responsibilities.
E8.8.SP1. Chores
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express their obligations, likes and dislikes in simple terms.
E8.8.R1. Chores
Students will be able to understand various short and simple texts about responsibilities.
E8.8.W1. Chores
Students will be able to write short and simple poems/stories about their feelings and responsibilities.
E8.9.L1. Science
Students will be able to recognize main ideas and key information in short oral texts about science.
E8.9.SI1. Science
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about actions happening currently and in the past.
E8.9.SI2. Science
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to involve in simple discussions about scientific achievements.
E8.9.SP1. Science
Spoken Production
Students will be able to describe actions happening currently.
E8.9.SP2. Science
Spoken Production
Students will be able to present information about scientific achievements in a simple way.
E8.9.R1. Science
Students will be able to understand short and simple texts about actions happening currently and in the past.
E8.9.R2. Science
Students will be able to identify main ideas and supporting details in short texts about science.
E8.9.W1. Science
Students will be able to write simple descriptions of scientific achievements in a short paragraph.
E8.10.L1. Natural Forces
Students will be able to identify the main points of TV news about natural forces and disasters.
E8.10.SI1. Natural Forces
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to talk about predictions concerning future of the Earth.
E8.10.SI1. Natural Forces
Spoken Interaction
Students will be able to negotiate reasons and results to support their predictions about natural forces and disasters.
E8.10.SP1. Natural Forces
Spoken Production
Students will be able to express predictions concerning future of the Earth.
E8.10.SP2. Natural Forces
Spoken Production
Students will be able to give reasons and results to support their predictions about natural forces and disasters.
E8.10.R1. Natural Forces
Students will be able to identify specific information in simple texts about natural forces and disasters.
E8.10.W1. Natural Forces
Students will be able to write a short and simple paragraph about reasons and results of natural forces and disasters.